Despite the intense heat of the day, about 40 people joined six of the nine Edith Wharton – Straw Dog Writers Guild Writers-in-Residence (from March 2022) at a celebratory event at The Mount on Sunday, June 26th. Attendees included members of both Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Mount, as well as friends and family of the writers, people from the community, and some who just happened by.
We enjoyed refreshing beverages and food on the terrace while we heard glowing testimonials from the Residents, Jody Callahan, Yasmine Ameli, Cheryl Isaac, Ella Jacobson, Jessica Provenz, and Dashaun Washington. All spoke about the value of having dedicated time for their writing, the boost that receiving the residencies gave to them, the helpfulness of The Mount staff, and the relaxed atmosphere at The Mount. We heard appreciation for the anonymous donor from Straw Dog Writers who has seeded the residencies and for the team of readers who selected the Residents.
Each writer read from a published piece or a work in progress: poetry, play, creative nonfiction, essay, and fiction. The writings were funny, poignant, compelling, and profound. We in the audience were left wanting to hear more from each of these fine writers.
Applications for next year’s residencies will open on September 1, 2022. More details will be found on The Mount’s website HERE.