Valley Society is a writing and social group for Black writers in the Pioneer Valley. We hold private monthly meetings to discuss upcoming opportunities, current projects and to offer each other support. Valley Society is supported through the blessings and generosity of Straw Dogs Writers Guild.
Valley Society is named after Café Society, the Greenwich Village nightclub where Billie Holiday first sang Strange Fruit.

Membership to Valley Society is open to any black writer who lives, works or was raised in the Pioneer Valley for $50 per annum.
The Pioneer Valley is a portion of the Connecticut River Valley in Massachusetts, comprised of the Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties.
- Invitation to publish in our annual writing journal
- Invitation to participate in an annual group writing project
- Invitation to our quarterly business meetings
- Access to our weekly AWA writing group
- Invitation to read at writing group quarterly podcast
- Invitation to read at our annual gala event
- Invitation in our Juneteenth writing retreat
- Invitation to paid reading opportunities
- Rebroadcast writing through our website, mailing list and social channels
- Access to events and gatherings hosted by Straw Dog Writers Guild