On January 19th, 2022, Straw Dog Writers Guild and Forbes Library co-sponsored the 8th annual Author Showcase. Twelve Straw Dog member/authors gathered on Zoom to read from their recently published books, along with a large, enthusiastic audience. Chris O’Carroll, Nina Dabek, Maureen Callahan Smith, Suzanne Rancourt, John Sheirer, Tom Weiner, Lanette Sweeney, Mark Luebbers, Julie Wittes Schlack, Joan Livingston, Sally Bellerose, and Michael Favala Goldman, under the graceful guidance of emcee Jovonna VanPelt, skillfully read pieces from their novels, memoirs, short stories, poems, and nonfiction. Through this link, you too may enjoy and share the laughter, surprise, tears, and celebration of these twelve fine authors. Watch the recording HERE.