Welcome Member!

Welcome, Straw Dog Writers Guild Member!

We are delighted that you have chosen to become a member of Straw Dog Writers Guild. And we thank you, many times over.  Members help us with our new initiatives, such as paying writers for running our workshops and funding programs to marginalized groups.  Straw Dog Writers Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit, your membership is tax deductible.

As a member, you are:

  • A patron and an advocate of literature.
  • Raising the literary profile of Western Massachusetts by bringing writers to our salons and workshops.
  • Encouraging emerging talent.

Your membership entitles you to:

We are also currently exploring an offering of Fiscal Sponsorship for Writing Group Leader Members looking to apply for local and statewide grants, with the intent of offering free or reduced rate programs to underserved communities in Western MA.


Please let us know if you would like to become more involved with Straw Dogs. We are run by volunteers and we welcome your areas of expertise. We need help with fundraising, committees, & events.  Please be in touch with us if you would like to get more involved at admin@strawdogwriters.org


Thank you, and welcome to the Straw Dog Writers Guild!