“Sunrise During the Pandemic” by Sarah Ritter

Sarah Ritter is a Straw Dog Writers Guild member from Connecticut. In 2019, she published her first poetry collection: “Inspirations, Transformations and Revelations: A Poetic Expression of My Personal Journey.” Her poems have been published in several anthologies published by The National Beat Poetry Foundation and Local Gems Press. “Sunrise During the Pandemic” Though the Read More

Journal: March 21, 2020 by Carla Manene Cooke

Straw Dog Writers Guild member Carla Cooke lives in Northampton, Massachusetts, and enjoys the local writing community.  Following a weekend writing retreat in 2012, she began facilitating small writing groups in her home.  A longtime journal-keeper and compulsive proofreader, she provides line-editing services and “a fresh eye” for other writers. Journal:  March 21, 2020 It’s Read More

Pandemic Contact by Janine Roberts

Janine Roberts, Professor emerita, UMass, Amherst, lives on Leverett Pond in Franklin County. She has published a book of poems, The Body Alters (Slate Roof Press); Tales and Transformations: Stories in Families and Family Therapy (Norton Press); as well as two books on rituals, numerous personal essays, and some 70 articles. Pandemic Contact Hike summer Read More

The Year of Solitude by Opal N. Gayle

Opal Gayle: I am the recipient of the 2019 St Botolph’s Club Foundation Emerging Artist Grant. I am a member of Valley Society, Gallery of Readers, Straw Dog Writers and Boston Writers of Color. I live in New England where I am a world language teacher. www.Opalogos.com   The Year of Solitude I have been thinking a Read More

Survivor of Covid19 by Mary Ellen Shaughan

Mary Ellen Shaughan lives in Amherst, Massachusetts with her beagle, Zeke. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals. Her first collection, Home Grown, is available on Amazon. Survivor of Covid19 After 167 days and ten hours of self-quarantine, she wanders down one grocery aisle then up another, as if she has all the time in Read More

Pandemic Times by Lynn Bechtel

Lynn Bechtel is a writer, editor, gardener, reader, and novice meditator. She grew up in Ohio but has lived in New England for most of her adult life. She writes essays and blogs at writeonharlow.com/blog. Lynn lives in Hampshire county and is a Straw Dog member. Pandemic Times “I feel like I’m living in Groundhog Read More

Things I’ll Keep by Lisa Gallant

Lisa Gallant is a writer and observer of life. She has a BA in Anthropology, is pursuing an MSW, and is self employed as a house cleaner. She enjoys rollerblading, biking and baguette baking.  She lives in Belchertown, MA with her kids and a cat who likes to sit on her computer. Things I’ll Keep Read More

Last Night by Marianne Gambaro

Marianne Gambaro’s poems and essays have been published in several print and online journals. She is the author of “Do NOT Stop for Hitchhikers” (Finishing Line Press). A member of Florence (MA) Poets Society, she serves on the editorial team for Silkworm. She lives in Belchertown (Hampshire County). https://margampoetry.wordpress.com/ Last Night I dreamt of triple Read More