Thank you to all the accomplished writers for applying to the Edith Wharton-Straw Dog Writers Guild Writers-in-Residence program at The Mount. The Selection Committee is pleased to announce the residents, whose photos and biographies will post in January. Lizzy Beck Michele Bombardier Zite Ezeh Melenie Freedom Flynn Thaddeus Haas Irene Jiang Michael Plunkett Mason Wray Read More
Melenie Freedom Flynn
May Comes Tomorrow by Melenie Freedom Flynn
Melenie Freedom Flynn’s essay “Message From Your Inmate” recently won the annual nonfiction contest at Vela Magazine. A recipient of a MacDowell Colony Fellowship and Djerassi Artist-in-Residence Fellowship, she lives in Easthampton, Massachusetts and is a member of Straw Dog Writers Guild. May Comes Tomorrow I’m grateful for the creak and moan of our winter-weary Read More