Dazzle an Agent: Pro Tips to Put the Polish on Your Manuscript
Make-It Springfield 286 Bridge Street, Springfield, MA, United StatesThe publishing market is brutally competitive. It’s not easy to get a query past the gatekeepers at publishing houses and literary agencies. You’re going to need an achingly good (and short) intro letter and an irresistible manuscript sample. You could pay an editor to buff up your prose, but with a little bit of elbow Read More
Straw Dog Writes Weekly Writers Meet Up
zoomStraw Dog Writers Guild members who would like to spend some time writing together can join a Zoom session. We will spend 15 minutes on introductions, a 45 minute writing session, have a 15 minute discussion, then write for a second 45 minute period of time. Afterwards, the Zoom room will remain open for a Read More
Straw Dog Writes Weekly Writers Meet Up
zoomStraw Dog Writers Guild members who would like to spend some time writing together can join a Zoom session. We will spend 15 minutes on introductions, a 45 minute writing session, have a 15 minute discussion, then write for a second 45 minute period of time. Afterwards, the Zoom room will remain open for a Read More
Writers Night Out in May
Forbes Library Coolidge Museum, 20 West Street, Northampton, 01060Join Straw Dog Writers Guild on Tuesday May 7, 6:00-8:00pm for Writers Night Out with featured writer Doug Anderson at Forbes Library. No registration required. If you want to participate in Open Mic and read, please sign up by 5:50pm. Ten names will be randomly selected. Each reader will have five minutes. The second half Read More
Straw Dog Writes Weekly Writers Meet Up
zoomStraw Dog Writers Guild members who would like to spend some time writing together can join a Zoom session. We will spend 15 minutes on introductions, a 45 minute writing session, have a 15 minute discussion, then write for a second 45 minute period of time. Afterwards, the Zoom room will remain open for a Read More
Everyone Reads Second Sundays Open Mic
zoomCome create community on second Sundays of every month 6-8pm EST with a virtual open mic on zoom. Please contact Lindsay Rockwell for zoom link if interested: emonrock@mac.com Format Focus: EVERYONE READS! Co-create and reading and listening experience that is generous, dynamic, and heart-felt. Read a 3-minute piece Brief positive responses after readers share Listeners Read More
Straw Dog Writes Weekly Writers Meet Up
zoomStraw Dog Writers Guild members who would like to spend some time writing together can join a Zoom session. We will spend 15 minutes on introductions, a 45 minute writing session, have a 15 minute discussion, then write for a second 45 minute period of time. Afterwards, the Zoom room will remain open for a Read More
A Writer’s Night in May
The Longmeadow Adult Center 211 Maple Road, Longmeadow, MA, United StatesOn Thursday, May 16, 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Celia Jeffries. Celia Jeffries, author of Blue Desert—winner of the May Sarton award— has had her work published in numerous newspapers and literary magazines including Westview, Solstice Literary Magazine, and Puerto del Sol, as well as Read More
The Smell of Fear: Building Suspense & Tension with Subtext
Northampton Center for the Arts 33 Hawley St., Northampton, MA, United StatesJoin Straw Dog Writers Guild and presenters Elizabeth MacDuffie and Tamara Fricke for "The Smell of Fear: Building Suspense & Tension with Subtext" on Wednesday, May 22, 7-8:30pm, at the Northampton Center for the Arts,33 Hawley Street, Northampton, MA. In this craft workshop, writers will be guided in the art of creating suspense and tension Read More
Straw Dog Writes Weekly Writers Meet Up
zoomStraw Dog Writers Guild members who would like to spend some time writing together can join a Zoom session. We will spend 15 minutes on introductions, a 45 minute writing session, have a 15 minute discussion, then write for a second 45 minute period of time. Afterwards, the Zoom room will remain open for a Read More