House Arrest in the Time of Covid by Margaret Allard

Margaret Allard, born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, has thrived in the Hampshire County Hilltowns for more than forty years. While teaching many grade levels and supporting micro businesses at Hilltown CDC, she was immersed in parenting two sons. She writes free verse now.

House Arrest in the Time of Covid

Stay home.
Good. Home.
Gardens, forest, pond, the small inside refuge.
Then, walking through outdoors – spacious –
non-human life is everywhere.
So much to do.

Visualize a hug, I tell myself.
And I do.
Sons, their wives, grandchildren,
grandparents, siblings, friends,
Hellos and good-byes always marked with an embrace.
I can feel their touch again.

Facial coverings and gloves.
Clean hands and surfaces.
My community needs me
to do my part,
to stay safe, away, and apart –
for now.
A soul arrested.