Note: Monday, March 31 will be
the last meeting of the Straw Dog Writers Room
Thank you to the writers who have joined us
over the past three months.
For further information, contact Ellen here.
Come write with us!
Mondays, 1-3 pm
33 Hawley Street, Northampton
Starting January 6th, Straw Dog Writers Guild has offered a drop-in writing room at the newly purchased and not-yet-renovated Northampton Community Arts Trust space. Bring your current project, your imagination, and your notebook or laptop. We’ll have quiet space, warmth, bathrooms, ample free parking, no wifi, and the supportive companionship of other writers.
Join us Monday afternoons, 1-3 pm
33 Hawley Street, Northampton
Enter the building at the “Universal Kids” side door near the parking lot.
There’s no fee; we gratefully accept donations to defray the costs of renting the space.