Black Writers Read: Juneteenth, One Year Later


On Friday, June 19, 2020, Valley Society hosted an over 3-hour virtual event, convening 16 Black writers from across the country to share their work. Seeing the need to sustain this platform, we launched the series, Black Writers Read. Join us, one year later in celebration of Juneteenth, to hear from members of Valley Society Read More

Black Writers Read with Shannon Luders-Manuel


RESCHEDULED: Saturday, April 17, 6:00pm Please join us for the next episode of Black Writers Read featuring memoirist and essayist, Shannon Luders-Manuel. Shannon will read from her essay, "Rediscovering My Father", which was published in the New York Times. Shannon will also share insight into her memoir and her other work. Go to the Valley Read More

Straw Dog Writers Guild