The News in My Back Yard by Don Bartlett

Don Bartlett is a retired PA in Franklin County. Pleased to discover actual enjoyment in composing sentences while writing a thesis, he attributes some facility with written expression to years of dictating office notes lucid and terse enough for a medical document, and to spending five years in a writing group with Ruth Flohr.  The Read More

The Time by Tzivia Gover

Tzivia Gover is the author of The Mindful Way to a Good Night’s Sleep, among other books. Her writing has appeared in dozens of anthologies and periodicals from the Florence Poetry Society’s Silkworm to the New York Times. She is a member of Straw Dog Writers Guild and lives in Northampton, Mass. The Time Why Read More

Waking Dream (in 4 parts) by Janice Sorensen

Janice Sorensen founded Cloud Saddle Writers and is a member of Straw Dog Writers. She is a published poet and art critic, and works as an artist and interior designer. She lives with her partner, Michael, and a fluctuating number of creatures at Magpie Farm & Art, in Buckland, Massachusetts. Waking Dream (in 4 parts) Read More

“Heavy Heart, Sweet Blossoms” by Lorna Ritz

Lorna Ritz studied under the instruction of painter James Gahagan, (a student of Hans Hofmann), who was a very important teacher for her in the 60’s. She received an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1971, in both painting and sculpture, (welding steel, and casting in bronze and iron). “Heavy Heart, Sweet Blossoms” I Read More

A Birthday Gift for My Daughter by Pam Roberts

Pam Roberts leads Spirit of the Written Word writing workshops for people affected by cancer and for the general population. A writer, artist, and certified yoga instructor, she lives in Franklin County. She just renewed her membership to Straw Dog Writers. A Birthday Gift for My Daughter My daughter’s birthday has snuck up on Read More

And Then I Got Sick by Michael McAllister

Michael McAllister lives in Easthampton. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Normal School, Brevity, and The Rumpus, as well as various anthologies. He has an MFA from Columbia University, where he was nonfiction editor of Columbia Journal, and he’s kept a long-running blog at And Then I Got Sick A completely Read More

Words/Matter by Kevin Hodgson

Kevin Hodgson, of Leeds, is a sixth grade teacher at the William E. Norris Elementary School in Southampton and a co-director with the Western Massachusetts Writing Project. Words/Matter (dedicated to my sixth grade students) It’s the eyes that always give us away — beneath the glitch  of static screens — the faded  gaze of classroom Read More

In Between by Lesley Schneider

Lesley Schneider is a resident of Florence in Hampshire County. She writes and edits technical manuals for a living and was surprised and delighted to have this poem emerge from her pen. In Between In between the dying, I cook. In between the crying, I plant. In between the outrages, I smell flowers. In between Read More

Exhausted by Michael A. Roche

Michael Allen Roche is an author from Hampden county. He is an active member of Write-Up Springfield. He shares his life and home with his husband, Earskin Sloan. His short stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies. He also enjoys writing memoirs, essays, and prose.  Exhausted A pandemic is no time for a civil Read More

Steps by Diane Hicks

Diane Hicks lives and quarantines in Ashfield with her husband, two children and their mixed-up chihuahua. She has worked as a writer, teacher, activist and currently is a therapist. In lockdown she has felt the call of her pen and the stir of storytelling.   Steps When my children were young, the idea of being Read More