Straw Dog Writers Guild Author Interview Series: María Luisa Arroyo

Boricua poet and feminist intersectional educator María Luisa Arroyo’s poetry collections include Gathering Words: Recogiendo Palabras (Bilingual Press 2008), and the chapbooks Flight (2016) and Destierro Means More than Exile (2018). Her poems and essays have been published in a number of journals and magazines, and among her many awards, she was named Springfield’s Inaugural Read More

Writers Night Out/In October

Join us for Writers Night Out/In Open Mic on Tuesday, October 5, 7:00pm. Registration required. Register HERE. Our featured writer is María Luisa Arroyo. Changes to registration have been made for security purposes. You will now receive your link after your registration has been approved within 24 to 48 hours. On the day of the