Writers Night Out/In September 2021

Join us for Writers Night Out/In Open Mic on Tuesday, September, 7:00pm. Registration required. Register HERE. Our featured writer is Lanette Sweeney. If you have any trouble registering, contact Beth at: strawdogevents@gmail.com Lanette Sweeney’s debut collection, What I Should Have Said: A Poetry Memoir About Losing A Child to Addiction, is being published by Kentucky-based

APRIL 2020 by Lanette Sweeney

Lanette Sweeney, now a full-time writer and MFA student at Western New England University, thanks to her wife’s support, has survived lifetimes as a mother, reporter, editor, fund-raiser, and teacher of English and Women’s Studies. Her writing has appeared in multiple literary journals and anthologies. APRIL 2020 I miss seeing human faces not split by Read More