A Writer’s Night in March

Straw Dog Writers’ Guild and Longmeadow Adult Center present writer Rick Parr on Thursday, March 20 from  6:45-7:30pm at the Longmeadow Adult Center. Rick Paar is a psychologist. For thirty-five years he taught a variety of course ranging from Theories of Personality (a lot of first year students) to Group Therapy (masters and doctoral students). He

A Writer’s Night in February

Straw Dog Writers’ Guild and Longmeadow Adult Center present poet Janet MacFadyen on Thursday, February 20 from  6:45-7:30pm at the Longmeadow Adult Center. Janet MacFadyen’s third full-length collection, State of Grass, was released February 2024 by Salmon Poetry. Honors include a Massachusetts Cultural Council grant, a 7-month Fine Arts Work Center fellowship in Provincetown, and a

A Writer’s Night in January

Straw Dog Writers’ Guild, Longmeadow Adult Center, and The Storrs Library present Pete Nelson, writer of stories, novels, and song lyrics on Thursday, January 16, 6:45 at the Longmeadow Adult Center. Peter Nelson was born in 1953 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. He received his MFA in poetry from

A Writer’s Night

The Longmeadow Adult Center and Straw Dogs Writers Guild will present “A Writer’s Night” with Jovonna Van Pelt, poet and essayist. Jo is the author of “Unrelated Questions” a gorgeous book of poetry published in 2019, and her endearing book of Christmas Stories, “Merry and Bright,” was published in 2022. Over the years her writing

A Writer’s Night in November

On Thursday, November 21 from 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Susan Sensemann. Susan Sensemann is an artist and writer who recently moved from Chicago to Easthampton. She is professor emerita at the University of Illinois at Chicago where she taught contemporary theory and painting. She

A Writer’s Night

On Thursday, October 17 from 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Doug Anderson. Doug Anderson’s first full length book of poems, The Moon Reflected Fire, won the Kate Tufts Discovery Award; Blues for Unemployed Secret Police won a grant from the Academy of American Poets. His

A Writer’s Night

On Thursday, September 19 from 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Chris O’Carroll. Chris O’Carroll is the author of three books of poems – The Joke’s on Me, Abracadabratude, and Quantum Creed. He has been a Light magazine featured poet and his work appears in New

A Writers Night

On Thursday, June 20, 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Linda Bratcher Wlodyka. Linda Bratcher Wlodyka is the Massachusetts Beat Poet Laureate, 2023-2025. In the summer of 2023, Linda was chosen as a contributor to WordxWord a summer poetry festival in the Berkshires where she collaborated

A Writer’s Night in May

On Thursday, May 16, 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Celia Jeffries. Celia Jeffries, author of Blue Desert—winner of the May Sarton award— has had her work published in numerous newspapers and literary magazines including Westview, Solstice Literary Magazine, and Puerto del Sol, as well as

A Writer’s Night

On Thursday, April 18, 6:45-7:30pm Straw Dog Writers Guild and The Longmeadow Adult Center present A Writer’s Night with Christopher Boucher. Christopher Boucher is the author of the novels How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive (2011), Golden Delicious (2016) and Big Giant Floating Head (a 2019 Massachusetts Book Award Finalist), all out from Melville House.