Poetry Critique Meet Up in April

Northampton Center for the Arts 33 Hawley St., Northampton, MA, United States

Poetry Critique Meet-up on Zoom is a chance for poets to give and receive immediate constructive feedback on their poems by everyone in attendance.  Learn what is working in your poems, and what may need revision. Contribute your observations to other poets. Be fascinated by the breadth of the written word. Register for Sunday April Read More

Grief Doesn’t Follow a Linear Path

Lilly Library 19 Meadow Street, Florence, MA, United States

As writers, when we write about the grieving process, we need to acknowledge that grief is as individual as we are. Writers differentiate characters by giving them unique voices, gestures, and habits. How they love and how they grieve is yet another way of making your characters come alive and stay with your reader long Read More

Writers Night Out in May

Forbes Library Coolidge Museum, 20 West Street, Northampton, 01060

Join Straw Dog Writers Guild on Tuesday May 6, 6:00-8:00pm for Writers Night Out with featured writer Astrid Lindstrom Forbes Library. No registration required. If you want to participate in Open Mic and read, please sign up by 5:50pm. Ten names will be randomly selected. Each reader will have five minutes. The second half of Read More

Everyone Reads Second Sundays Open Mic


Come create community on second Sundays of every month 6-8pm EST with a virtual open mic on zoom. Please contact Lindsay Rockwell for zoom link if interested: emonrock@mac.com Format Focus: EVERYONE READS! Co-create and reading and listening experience that is generous, dynamic, and heart-felt. Read a 3-minute piece Brief positive responses after readers share Listeners Read More

Straw Dog Writers Guild