Become a Member! Stay a Member!

Joining and staying involved is easy – follow these two steps:

  1. New and renewing individual and business members as well as presenters and readers please complete THIS MEMBERSHIP FORM or use the QR code below.
  2. Pay Membership

We have a subsidized membership option for low income and students  –  for more information please email us at

Basic Individual Membership of $50/yr and Business Membership of $100/yr includes:

Supporting Membership (individual) of $100/yr includes:

SDWG tote bag
  • All the benefits of Basic Membership
  • A Straw Dog Writers Guild eco-bag

Sustaining Membership of $500/yr includes:

  • All the benefits of a Supporting Membership
  • Compass Roads: an anthology of Straw Dog poets
  • and the New York Times & choice of baked good delivered 1 time by an Steering Committe member.

Thank you so much for being a member, and supporting the literary community of Western MA.

Straw Dog Membership

Straw Dog Writers Guild is an all-volunteer 501(c)3 organization, committed to paying writers for their presentations. With each new member, we are able to pay another featured reader at one of our open mics or pay a workshop leader to offer a free writing workshop to the community.

If you prefer to pay by check:
Straw Dog Writers Guild, 43 Fairview Ave, Northampton, MA 01060