A Straw Dog Writers Guild Poetry Anthology
Sixty-two poets and over a hundred new poems
offer a lyrical map of our Valley.
From the Introduction by Editor Jane Yolen
“So many places in the Valley are poems to me. I have lived in Northampton, Conway, and Hatfield, but poetry doesn’t just reside there. Poems seem to drop from the apple orchards, rise up in the cornfields. They lie beneath the snow emerging first as blue-flowered snowdrops. They grow under the white nettings over tobacco crops. They sail on the rivers, and tumble over the gorges, make the rounds of the Oxbow. They clack behind the wheels of the Vermonter as it stops twice a day in Northampton. They shudder each time a too-large truck goes under Northampton’s truck-eating bridge. They pause by Sojourner Truth’s statue, enjoy the Smith College greenhouse in February, nod at the mastodon in the Amherst College Museum, follow the dinosaur tracks in the shale along the Connecticut. I hear more than just Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost in all the passing winds.”
Janet E. Aalfs, Karen Amerman, Doug Anderson, Alice Barrett, Jean Blakeman, Anna Bozena Bowen, Floyd Cheung, Gail Cleare, Candace R. Curran, Corinne Demas, Deborah Dill, Sarah Doyle, Crescent Dragonwagon, Beth Filson, Anita Gallers, Michael Goldman, Tzivia Gover, D. M. Gordon, Nina Gross, Donna Hébert, Sharon A. Harmon Ray Homstead, Jane McPhetres Johnson, Phyllis Katz, Mary Ellen Kelly, Kathleen M. Kelley, Eileen P. Kennedy, Marian Kent, F. D. Kindness, Melanie S. Lewis, Patricia Lee Lewis, Patricia MacLachlan ,Jan Maher, Paul Mariani, Nathalie McCormick, Ellen Meeropol, Marcia Merithew, Richard Michelson, Susan T. Middleton, Burleigh Mutén, Linda Neas, Lesléa Newman, Rebecca Hart Olander, Christine Anne Pratt, Mary Clare Powell, Forrest Proper, Diane Rachele, Mary Robertson, Laura Rodley, Paula Sayword, V. Jane Schneeloch, Pat Schneider, Molly Scott, Stephanie Shafran, Heidi E.Y. Stemple, Joshua Michael Stewart, Cynthia Suopis, Gail Thomas, Ann Warren Turner, Jovonna Van Pelt, Theresa A. Vincent, Hilde Weisert, Jane Yolen.
Compass Roads Press
NEPR – NEW ENGLAND PUBLIC RADIO. ‘Finding Direction Through Local Poetry In ‘Compass Roads‘ By Carrie Healy. March 2019
THE RECORDER. Straw Dog Writers Guild releases poetry compilation By Steve Pfarrer. April 2018
DAILY HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE. Book Bag: ‘Compass Roads’ by the Straw Dog Writers Guild by Steve Pfarrer. April 2018
WHMP RADIO. The Bill Newman Show – Will Sinclair Television Take Over Our ‘Compass Roads’ In The Valley? April 2018
Graham Hall,
Smith College
OCT. 10, 7-9pm